Sunday, September 29, 2013

A Day In The Hay

I spent part of my day taking pictures of my sisters. They are both dancers and I was a dancer, so we normally end up with dance themed photos. I thought these turned out pretty well, so I thought I would share! Wandering through a field and jumping off hay bales was definitely a just roll with it moment.

Monday, March 18, 2013

DIY Spring Wreath

For my next project I wanted to make a wreath, because my front door has been "naked" for many months and needed some love! Hydrangeas are my favorite flower so I used those for the wreath.

What you'll need:
Wreath (I got mine for $4.99 at A.C. Moore)
Favorite flower(s)- enough to cover close of one side of the wreath
Wooden letter- I used an "H" for my first name.
Hot Glue Gun

First, I cut the stems off the flowers. I just used kitchen scissors for mine!

Next, I hot glued the flowers to one side of the wreath and then the wooden letter to the other side. 

Now you're done! This was the easiest but still cute wreath I've made yet! The total cost was $27 if you get your supplies at A.C. Moore!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

DIY Monogrammed Plates

These are super easy and cheap way to customize any type of glass dinnerware with initials or with favorite quotes or bible verses! I used a stencil on the initials which you can get at Wal-Mart or a craft store. 

What you'll need:

Glass Plates, Mug, etc..whatever you want to monogram! I got mine from Dollar Tree, they are nice and super cheap!
Black Sharpie
First, put a small dot in the center of the plate so you know where to place the stencil. Then, color in the stencil with sharpie. After I did the stencil I had to go over the edges a little bit to make it look cleaner. 

Next, bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. The sharpie becomes permanent and won't wash off! Average cost $5 for 4 plates! 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Super Easy Golf Cake

This is such an easy cute idea for a Father's Day or Dad's birthday cake! My dad's birthday was this past Sunday so I made him this cake!

What you'll need:

Your favorite cake mix. I used Betty Crocker Ultra Moist Chocolate.
9x13 Pan
Plastic Golf Ball
Betty Crocker Easy Flow Decorating Icing: Green and White. It comes in a can with interchangeable tips. You will need at least 2 green cans and 1 white can.

1. Bake cake according to directions on box. I baked mine the night before and iced it in the morning, which worked well if you are serving for lunch!
2. Cut hole in the upper right hand corner. Make sure you don't cut all the way through the cake but just halfway. Remove extra cake leaving a hole.
3. Ice the cake! I used a drop flower tip. I would suggest doing the sand-traps first and then the grass.
4. Add the golf ball and you're done!

Super quick and easy but also cute! 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

aMErIca the Beautiful?

We are comfortable. In aMErIca there is an "I" and "Me". We all are in complete control of our own lives. We choose what we want to eat, what we want to wear, where we want to live, and what career we want to pursue. We will step on whoever to achieve the "american dream".

 For the past 2 years I have been living in the upmost comfort. I am chasing my dreams and doing what makes me happy. Sounds good right? I should do what makes me happy? I have my life controlled to the point where I know just how far to let someone in so they don't mess with my "comfortable" structure. I don't want to get hurt and I don't want risk anything.

2 years ago I was on a mission trip to Haiti. Haiti completely stripped me of all control and I was face down in the dirt crying for God and my mom. For those of you who know me that would be the first time I ever cried for my mom as an adult. I suffered severe dehydration on the way to the airport, had to be "hospitalized" at a Haitian hospital and got stuck there for an extra night.

Don't get me wrong, I love Haiti. The people there are so happy and content with nothing. I mean nothing. I learned so many things about myself when I was in Haiti. My selfishness and my ungratefulness, but also my strength. My experience at the end of the trip was traumatic and life changing for awhile.

Once I got back to my normal routine and comfortable life, I forgot about Haiti. I'm working on remembering Haiti and what I learned. Learning to be grateful, be thankful, take risks, and be strong. But most of all learning to love others and let them love me.